Join Us Each Lord's Day - Sunday @9:30 AM & 10:45 AM and 6:00 PM.

orange and green vegetables on brown woven basket

“For The Beauty Of The Earth”

This hymn, (though originally a poem) was written by a man with a strange first
name, Folliot Sandford Pierpoint (1835-1917). He was a graduate of Queens’ College,
Cambridge (England), and a teacher of classics at Somersetshire College. I remember
singing this hymn every ‘Harvest Thanksgiving’ back in Northern Ireland, where ‘Fall’ is
not celebrated but God’s provision of ‘Harvest’ is! Pierpoint was the author of several
poetry collections, and this particular hymn was one such and adapted to be sung as
well as read.
He had written the poem for the celebration of Communion and the original
Hymn that was adapted from it was originally published in eight, four-line stanzas under
the title, “The Sacrifice of Praise”. Another British hymnologist, J. R. Watson
recorded that Pierpoint told him that he wrote it after being inspired by the view of his
native city of Bath on a bright and warm Spring day. I am glad, though, that the poem
was adapted to be sung as a way of thanking God for His provision of ‘Harvest-time’ as,
every time I see or hear it, I am overwhelmed with the memories of worshipping in buildings wonderfully
decorated with flowers and all kinds of vegetables and fruit! Then I recall singing this particular
song and repeating the chorus with verve, “Lord of all, to Thee we raise, this our
hymn of grateful praise’.
Thank You Almighty God for ‘Harvest-time’ and for inspiring people like Folliot
Sandford Pierpoint to write such wonderful hymns.

‘For the Beauty of the Earth, for the glory of the skies,
for the love which from our birth over and around us lies.
Lord of all to Thee we raise, this our hymn of grateful praise’.