First Baptist Church of Howland began as a church plant in Howland Township in September of 1968. For the first year of our existence, services were held in the HC Mines Elementary
School until our current property on East Market Street could be secured. The parcel of land
included a house with substantial acreage. Soon, a small meeting place was constructed
which now serves as our fellowship hall.
In 1972 our current sanctuary was completed and was recently renovated in 2015. In 1974 a Christian School was
organized and through the years, additions were made to the property to better accommodate the
school. Largely due to leadership changes, differences in philosophy and dwindling
enrollment, Howland Christian School closed in the mid 1990’s.
First Baptist Church of Howland is an independent fellowship and is not affiliated with any Baptist denomination.
Admittedly, we are not the same church that began in 1968. As times and culture continue to change, we will remain grounded on these Biblical distinctives:
* We stand on the unchanging truth of the Word of God. We believe in the
inspiration, authority, sufficiency, and inerrancy of Scripture.
* First Baptist Church of Howland ascribes, in large part. to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith ( and the New
Hampshire Baptist Confession of Faith (
*We believe in the systematic exposition of Scripture as a normative part of public
* We are an elder led and congregationally affirmed church.
For more information, see our statement of faith by clicking on “What We Believe”.